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Oracle Apps R12 Technical Online Training (One to One)

Oracle Apps R12 Technical Online Training Details (One to One)

Duration : 25 Sessions

Each Session Duration : 1 HR

Oracle Apps Technical Online Training Course Content

Introduction To ERP

• Definition of ERP
• Overview of popular ERP’S
• Comparison of Oracle Apps with other ERP’S
• AIM documentation standards
• Oracle Application Architecture.
• Database structure of OA
• Using TOAD

Types Of Roles

• Functional Consultant and Roles
• Technical Consultant and Roles
• Techno-Functional Consultant and Roles
• Oracle Application DBA and Roles

Application Object Library

• System Administration and Application Object Library (AOL)
• Defining an Applications User and Assigning the Responsibilities.
• Understanding AOL and its Components
• WHO columns
• Creating Responsibilities
• Request group creation
• Menu Creation

Application Development

• Defining concurrent program
• Concurrent programs with parameters
• Working with multiple concurrent programs
• Concurrent Program incompatibilities
• Creating Request Set
• Default Types
• Value sets

Registration Of Custom Objects

• Report registration
• Registration of a Table
• Using AD_DD Package to register Database Component in AOL

Interfaces and Conversions

• Introduction to Interfaces
• Difference Between Interfaces and Conversions
• Outbound Interfaces
o Using UTL_FILE package
• Inbound Interfaces
o Using SQL * Loader tool
• SQL * Loader Concepts o Data File.
o Control File.
o Bad File.
o Discard File.
o Log File.
• Working with staging table script
• Developing validations package
• Standards to be followed in conversions
• Using oracle API’s in Interfaces and Conversions
• Interface Tables and Error Tables

Flex Fields

• Overview of flex fields
• Types of Flex Fields
o Descriptive Flex Fields
o Key Flex Fields
• Step in creation of DFF
• Flex fields tables and relations


• Overview of profile options
• Different levels in Setting profiles
• Steps in setting a profile option
• Some important profile options
• Some important API’s of profiles

Value Sets

• Overview of value sets
• Options in value sets
• Types of value sets
• Creation of value set
• Overview of value set tables
• Usage of $FLEX and $PROFILE

Multi Org Concepts

• What is Multi Org and why we need.
• Multi Org Tables.
• Multi Org Views.

Functional Modules Overview

• Overview of Procure to Pay Flow (P2P Cycle)
• Overview of Order to Cash Flow (O2C Cycle)
• Major setups and transactions
• Overview of important tables in PO,INV,OM,AP,AP,GL

Reports In Oracle Applications

• Introduction and Usage of USER_EXITS.
• Developing a Report from scratch as per Client Requirement.
• Developing a Report based on MD 50 Document.
• Customization of Oracle Standard Reports.
• Reports Registration Steps in Oracle Applications
• Standards to develop a report in Oracle Apps

Forms In Oracle Applications

• New Form Development Process
• Form Registration in Oracle Applications.
• Calling one Form to another Form by using Button
• Master-Detailed Forms
• Form Personalization in Oracle Applications
• Form Personalization v/s Form Customization

Development Of XML Reports

Introduction to Work Flow

• Workflow Introduction
• Workflow development process
• Running the workflow
• Sending notifications
• Branching the workflow using result out variable

FAQS In Oracle Apps Technical

Oracle Apps R12 Techno Functional Self Paced Course Bundle (Technical, Financials, SCM) Published on Udemy

25% OFF on Oracle Apps R12 Techno Functional Self Paced Course Bundle (Oracle Apps R12 Technical + Oracle Apps R12 Financials + Oracle Apps R12 SCM) Published on Udemy with Live Meeting Support on every Weekend to Clear your Queries.

Oracle Apps R12 Techno Functional Course Bundle (Technical, Financials, SCM) contains 124 Session Videos of 59 Hours of Recordings

We will provide you Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Weekend. You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to the email address you registered for Udemy to purchase the course

You can buy the course bundle from the below Udemy link and Use the Coupon Code: JUN2225 to Avail 25% OFF on Your Purchase


Oracle Apps R12 Techno Functional Training Course bundle Includes Oracle Apps R12 Technical, Oracle Apps R12 Financials, Oracle Apps R12 SCM Courses.

Oracle Apps R12 Technical Course Details

Oracle Apps Technical is the Enterprise Resource Package (ERP) package. It has designed on the base of Generally Acceptable Accounting Principles (GAAP). This Oracle Application has the business software or else application software of the Oracle Corporation.

Oracle Apps Technical Course is a collection of complete end-to-end solutions that serve businesses with their own functionality. The course provides an in-depth explanation on the technical module of data integration. This module makes you understand the architecture, table relations, designing reports and forms using Oracle Apps.

From this course, you get a clear idea of

Types of Roles, Application Object Library, Application Development, Registration of Custom Objects, Interfaces and Conversions, Flex fields, Profiles, Value Sets, Multi-org Concepts, Functional Modules Overview, Reports and Forms in Oracle Applications and development of XML Reports.

There are incredible job opportunities for the desired aspirants with highest paid salary range. It will be a great career advantage by taking Oracle Apps Technical Course.

Who should take this oracle Apps technical course

The following software or industry professionals were deserved to take this Oracle Apps technical training.

senior architecture and developers
java and non java background.
senior IT Software professionals

The following job roles will get benefited from this course:

Functional Consultants
Technical Consultants
Business Analysts
Finance Functional Implementers
End Users
Candidates interested in taking up a career under Oracle
Related Jobs and Positions in the Industry

Oracle Apps R12 Financials Course Details

Oracle Apps R12 Financials is software product offered by Oracle corporation. Oracle R12 Financials Applications have great features to manage Organization’s Financial and accounting information. With Oracle Financials Applications Organization’s can track detailed business transaction data, same data can be used for reporting and decision making purpose.

Oracle Apps R12 Financials consist of below applications:

Oracle General Ledger

Oracle Accounts Payable

Oracle Accounts Receivable

Oracle Fixed Assets

Oracle Cash Management

From this course, you get a clear idea of

Introduction to ERP, Versions in Oracle Apps, Modules in Oracle Application, What is Implementation Process, General Ledger, Introduction to GL Module, Key Flex Fields, Segments, Design Charts of Accounts, Value Sets, Define Currency and Calendar, Define Primary Ledger, Creation of Journals, Open/Close Periods, Reverse Journals, Journal Batch, Recurring Journals, Suspense Journals, Statistical Journals, Mass Allocation, Budgets, Inter-company Journals, Journal Approval Process, Tax Journals, Currency Translation, Reporting Currency, Revaluation, Consolidation, Cross Validation Rules, Standard Report (Trail Balance), FSG (Financial Statement Generator), Account Alias, Security Rules, Access Set, Purchasing overview, Financial Option, Overview of Procure to Pay Process, Purchasing Options, Requisitions, Document Types, RFQs, Quotations, Purchase Orders, Receipt Creation, Matching Options and Receipt Routing Methods, Invoice and payment creation, Account Payable’s overview, Payable Options, Financial Options, Accounting Periods, Payable System Setups, Payment Terms, Distribution Sets, Defining Suppliers, Standard Invoice, Debit Memo, Credit Memo, Prepayment Invoice, Invoice Created Against PO, Introduction to Expense report, Employee Expense Reports, Withholding Tax Payment, Payment Format, Bank Creations, Bank Account Creation, Bank Branch Creation, overview of multi organization structure, business group setup, Defining Operating units, Defining Inventory organizations, Defining Sub Inventories, Account Receivables Introduction, Key Flex Fields, Sales Tax Location, Territory, Statement Cycle, System Options, Remittance to Address, Payment Terms, Introduction to Dunning Letters, Collectors, Customer Creation, Auto Cash Role Set, Customer Profile Class, Customer Bank Creation, Transaction Types, Invoice Transaction, Credit Memo, Deposit transaction, Bills receivable, Guarantee, Chargeback, transaction Sources, Receipt Classes, Receipt Sources, Creating Invoice, Applying the Receipt to Invoice, Rise the Credit memo, Creating Deposit Invoice and Applying the Deposit to Invoice, Applying the receipt, Miscellaneous Receipts, Remittance Receipts, month ending process, Fixed Assets introduction, Flex Field, System Controls, Financial Year Calendar, Values, Prorate Conversion Calendar, Depreciation Calendar, Book Controls, Depreciation Methods, Asset Categories, Changes, Additions, Create accounting, Asset Transfer, Mass Additions, Retirement, Cash Management, System Parameters, creation of new bank, creation of new branch, creation of bank account, Bank Statements and Reconciliation, Forecasting Vs Reconciliation, Bank Charges, Bank Transfer, Introduction to HRMS.

Who is the target audience?

End Users
Business Analysts
Sales Consultants
Support Engineer
Technical Consultant
Functional Implementer

Oracle Apps R12 SCM Course Details

Oracle R12 Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a systematic approach to manage the seamless flow of information, materials, and services from raw material suppliers through factories warehouses to the end customer.

Oracle Apps R12 SCM  Consist of Below Modules

Oracle Purchasing

Oracle Inventory Management

Oracle Order Management.

From this course, you get a clear idea of

Procure to Pay Cycle Overview, Overview of Purchasing Process, Integration with other Oracle Applications, Overview of Suppliers, Supplier Information, Supplier Site Information, Defining and Maintaining Items, Item Categories, Item Attributes, Enterprise Structure, Locations, Organizations, Units of Measure and Items, Defining Locations, Inventory Organizations, Establishing Inventory Parameters, Requisition Life cycle, Requisition Structure, Creating and Maintaining, Creation of RFQs and Quotations, Request for Quotation Life cycle, Request for Quotation Life cycle Implementation, Creation of Purchase Orders, Purchase Order Types, Standard Purchase Order Elements, Blanket Purchase Agreements, Contract Purchase, Planned purchase order, Receiving Locations, Receipt Routing, Receipt Processing Methods, Creation of Blanket Purchase Agreement, Creation of Contract Purchase Agreement, Planned Purchase Order, Blind Receiving Transactions, Express Transactions, Unordered Receipts and Cascade transactions, Inventory Overview, Inventory Capabilities, Oracle Inventory Applications Integration, Integration of Oracle Inventory to Financials, Understanding the Receipt to Issue Life cycle, Understanding Receiving Inventory, Defining Inventory Organizations, Understanding the Inventory Organizations, Understanding the Structure of an Inventory Organization, Understanding Locations, Defining Locations, Difference between Master and Child Organization, Units of Measure Overview, Units of Measure Class Overview, Defining Unit of Measure Class, Defining Unit of Measure, Defining Unit of Measure Conversions, Defining and Maintaining Items, Item Attributes and Statuses, Assigning Items to Organizations, Sub inventories, Defining Subinventory, Inventory Controls, Concepts, Explaining Lot Control (Item Level), Lot Control (Org Level), Explaining Serial Control (Item Level), Explaining Serial Control (Org Level), Explaining Revision Control, Explaining Locator Control, Subinventory Transfers, Explaining Move Order, Creating Manual Move Order, Creating Requisition Move Order, Requisition Move Order Approval Process, Transact Move Orders with 2 Methods, Miscellaneous Transactions, Restrict Subinventories, Inter-Org Transfer, Shipping Methods, Shipping Network, Transit times for Shipping Methods, Entering inter-org transfer charge, Entering Freight Charges, Direct Inter-Organisation Transfer, Performing Reorder-point Planning, Performing Min-max Planning, Explaining Cycle Counting, Explaining Physical Inventory, Defining and Maintaining a Cycle Count, Defining Cycle Count Scheduling and Requests, Overview of Oracle Order Management, Order to Cash Life cycle Overview, Ordering Process, Inventory Organizations, Define Shipping Parameters, Customer Creation, Auto Cash Role Set, Customer Profile Class, Customer Bank Creation, Transaction Types, Transaction Sources, Creating Invoice, Creating Deposit Invoice and Applying the Deposit to Invoice, Enter Orders, Managing Order, Drop Shipment Implementation, Back to Back Order Implementation, Pick Release Sales Orders, Ship Confirm a Delivery, Define a Pick Slip Grouping Rule, Define a Release Sequence Rules, Order Management Transaction Setups, Defining Order Transaction Type, Defining Line Transaction Type, Defining Document Sequence, Return Material Authorization, Return With Credit No Receipt, Return With Receipt Only, Return With Receipt, Credit Auto Invoice, Internal Sales Order Implementation.

Oracle Apps R12 Techno Functional Self Paced Course Bundle (Technical, Financials) Published on Udemy

25% OFF on Oracle Apps R12 Techno Functional Self Paced Course Bundle (Oracle Apps R12 Technical + Oracle Apps R12 Financials) Published on Udemy with Live Meeting Support on every Weekend to Clear your Queries.

Oracle Apps R12 Techno Functional Course Bundle (Oracle Apps R12 Technical + Oracle Apps R12 Financials) contains 82 Session Videos of 39.5 Hours of Recordings

We will provide you Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Weekend. You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to the email address you registered for Udemy to purchase the course

You can buy the course bundle from the below Udemy link and Use the Coupon Code: JUN2225 to Avail 25% OFF on Your Purchase


This Oracle Apps R12 Techno Functional Training Course bundle Includes Oracle Apps R12 Technical, Oracle Apps R12 Financials.

Oracle Apps R12 Technical Course Details

Oracle Apps Technical is the Enterprise Resource Package (ERP) package. It has designed on the base of Generally Acceptable Accounting Principles (GAAP). This Oracle Application has the business software or else application software of the Oracle Corporation.

Oracle Apps Technical Course is a collection of complete end-to-end solutions that serve businesses with their own functionality. The course provides an in-depth explanation on the technical module of data integration. This module makes you understand the architecture, table relations, designing reports and forms using Oracle Apps.

From this course, you get a clear idea of

Types of Roles, Application Object Library, Application Development, Registration of Custom Objects, Interfaces and Conversions, Flex fields, Profiles, Value Sets, Multi-org Concepts, Functional Modules Overview, Reports and Forms in Oracle Applications and development of XML Reports.

There are incredible job opportunities for the desired aspirants with highest paid salary range. It will be a great career advantage by taking Oracle Apps Technical Course.

Who should take this oracle Apps technical course

The following software or industry professionals were deserved to take this Oracle Apps technical training.

senior architecture and developers
java and non java background.
senior IT Software professionals

The following job roles will get benefited from this course:

Functional Consultants
Technical Consultants
Business Analysts
Finance Functional Implementers
End Users
Candidates interested in taking up a career under Oracle
Related Jobs and Positions in the Industry

Oracle Apps R12 Financials Course Details

Oracle Apps R12 Financials is software product offered by Oracle corporation. Oracle R12 Financials Applications have great features to manage Organization’s Financial and accounting information. With Oracle Financials Applications Organization’s can track detailed business transaction data, same data can be used for reporting and decision making purpose.

Oracle Apps R12 Financials consist of below applications:

Oracle General Ledger

Oracle Accounts Payable

Oracle Accounts Receivable

Oracle Fixed Assets

Oracle Cash Management

From this course, you get a clear idea of

Introduction to ERP, Versions in Oracle Apps, Modules in Oracle Application, What is Implementation Process, General Ledger, Introduction to GL Module, Key Flex Fields, Segments, Design Charts of Accounts, Value Sets, Define Currency and Calendar, Define Primary Ledger, Creation of Journals, Open/Close Periods, Reverse Journals, Journal Batch, Recurring Journals, Suspense Journals, Statistical Journals, Mass Allocation, Budgets, Inter-company Journals, Journal Approval Process, Tax Journals, Currency Translation, Reporting Currency, Revaluation, Consolidation, Cross Validation Rules, Standard Report (Trail Balance), FSG (Financial Statement Generator), Account Alias, Security Rules, Access Set, Purchasing overview, Financial Option, Overview of Procure to Pay Process, Purchasing Options, Requisitions, Document Types, RFQs, Quotations, Purchase Orders, Receipt Creation, Matching Options and Receipt Routing Methods, Invoice and payment creation, Account Payable’s overview, Payable Options, Financial Options, Accounting Periods, Payable System Setups, Payment Terms, Distribution Sets, Defining Suppliers, Standard Invoice, Debit Memo, Credit Memo, Prepayment Invoice, Invoice Created Against PO, Introduction to Expense report, Employee Expense Reports, Withholding Tax Payment, Payment Format, Bank Creations, Bank Account Creation, Bank Branch Creation, overview of multi organization structure, business group setup, Defining Operating units, Defining Inventory organizations, Defining Sub Inventories, Account Receivables Introduction, Key Flex Fields, Sales Tax Location, Territory, Statement Cycle, System Options, Remittance to Address, Payment Terms, Introduction to Dunning Letters, Collectors, Customer Creation, Auto Cash Role Set, Customer Profile Class, Customer Bank Creation, Transaction Types, Invoice Transaction, Credit Memo, Deposit transaction, Bills receivable, Guarantee, Chargeback, transaction Sources, Receipt Classes, Receipt Sources, Creating Invoice, Applying the Receipt to Invoice, Rise the Credit memo, Creating Deposit Invoice and Applying the Deposit to Invoice, Applying the receipt, Miscellaneous Receipts, Remittance Receipts, month ending process, Fixed Assets introduction, Flex Field, System Controls, Financial Year Calendar, Values, Prorate Conversion Calendar, Depreciation Calendar, Book Controls, Depreciation Methods, Asset Categories, Changes, Additions, Create accounting, Asset Transfer, Mass Additions, Retirement, Cash Management, System Parameters, creation of new bank, creation of new branch, creation of bank account, Bank Statements and Reconciliation, Forecasting Vs Reconciliation, Bank Charges, Bank Transfer, Introduction to HRMS.

Who is the target audience?

End Users, Business Analysts, Sales Consultants, Support Engineer, Technical Consultant, Functional Implementer